When I was little,one of my Lake District cousins was a hippy and he used to drive a red decommissioned post office van with no doors on the back.
This same cousin also once chased a bull on his moped that had escaped from the local farmer's field. He had long hair and a moustache and looked very much like Jesus. This cousin also owned some very large swirly glass marbles, as big as eggs, which were a bit chipped, but nonetheless, were great fun to roll across the floor. I also used to be allowed to read his Rupert Bear books.
There is a vampire that is part of the English Lake District's folklore, just the same as there have been Loch Ness Monster type sightings in Lake Windermere too...
I'm A Vampire - by us - Vampire Basilisk - is not tongue in cheek but supports those who dare to have a difference...