Friday, 24 June 2016

Red Moon Over The Spirit Of Mardale Green

Red Moon, 28 September 2015
Somewhere on the Ether or inside the Astral Planes (spelled in this case like air plane - not prairie plain, for some reason), the village of Mardale Green will still exist like a shimmering Fata Morgana, except it will not be an illusion. The energetic imprint that the village will have made on the land over time, will still be there. Dowsers can probably pick up traces of this energy. In fact the reservoir that now fills the valley once occupied by Mardale will be infused with the actual Spirit Of The Village - for all time.
Mardale's Patron Angel, however, may well have moved on, although there are some spectacular full moon's in that area and the Red Moon Lunar Eclipse of September 2015 will have called down to the village once more, shining on the reservoir whilst transmitting red moon energy in to the dark water as the kinetic trace echo of Mardale Green stirs beneath the lake.