Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Slow Shuitter Pictures Of Mardale Green In The Aether

These magickal energy pictures were created using the slow shutter method. I actually like using old things and a Sony DSLR camera from 2006 was used for this picture with a little slow shutter bulb that can be attached and pressed (non of that remote control stuff for me). I actually choose to see what results I can get from older items deliberately - I really like them. In any case, technology moves so quickly these days, that things are old when they are born. This looks like Mardale Green under water - abstract, of course.

See also:
The Hermetic Order of the Silver Luna Mist

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Magickal Fire Creatures Of The Night

Fire Creatures

Fire creatures enter from cosmic flight
And dance till dawn
Throughout the night
Flickering shadows on the lawn of time
As the grass grows
And the astral wind flows deep
Whilst mortals sleep
The Fire Spirits dance and twirl
Order in their social whirl
Spinning faster, flashing past
Cold air touching the heat fuelled
blast - of flame
Reaching out - teasing - then returning
whence they came -
Party over - home again.

The video has audio - also see our sister blog Postulating Pippin